Steps for appending a string to a variable

Currently working on creating a price configurator for a new lighting system within homes using Angular 7. Instead of using TypeScript and sass, I'm coding it in plain JavaScript.

Page 1: The user will choose between a new building or an existing one, along with options for Wi-Fi/wires [z1, z2...]

<label>New Building</label>
<input type="radio" value="z1">
  1. The user then needs to specify the size of the building, which will add different controls on page number 3 [-o1, -o2...]

     <select><option value="-o1">Small</option>...
  2. Selection of what to build (lights, aircon, detectors, etc.), potentially adding more controls in step 4 [y8, y9...]

  3. Choose additional controls such as Android devices, TVs, keychains, movement detectors (can be multiple) [-5x2-24x2]
  4. Calculate the total price

I plan to store these values as strings in a variable and then use them to assign prices accordingly. For example, z1-o1-y8-i-5x2-24x2 translates to a new building, small size, lights, On/Off + timing controls, and specific controllers repeated twice each with their respective prices. It's quite complex, and I'm not sure if I'm on the right track. Any guidance on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

To calculate the total price of all options with individual prices, follow these steps:

Begin by creating an object that lists each option along with its corresponding price:

const prices = {
  z1: 4999,
  z2: 7499,
  o1: 13000,
  ...and so on

Next, create an array containing all the available options:

const options = ['z1', 'o1', 'y8', 'i', and more];

Use a function to loop through the array and determine the total price:

function determinePrice(options) {
  let price = 0;
  for (let option of options) {
    price += prices[option];
  return price;

When adding options multiple times, enter them individually instead of duplicating entries in the array.

For this method to work effectively, ensure that all components have access to the same array for storing selected options. Implementing this will vary based on your project's structure; refer to Angular Component Interaction for ideas:

Angular Component Interaction

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