Adding EventListeners for Click Handling: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here is the part of my code in HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
            <title> This page</title>
         <button id = "go-button" >GO</button>
         <script src="main.js"></script> 

This is the JavaScript section of my code:

function buttonClicked(){
    console.log("button clicked");

var btn = document.getElementById("go-button");

btn.addEventListener("clicked", buttonClicked);

I am facing an issue where no output is showing on the console when I try to print it, and this has left me puzzled.

Answer №1

No events have been clicked, however a click event is triggered:

btn.addEventListener("click", buttonClicked);

Answer №2

Change clicked to click and the function will execute correctly.

Answer №3

It's the event name "click", not "clicked"

Answer №4

When using the addEventListener method, it requires two arguments: the event and the function to be executed. It seems like there is a typo in the first parameter.

btn.addEventListener('click', buttonClicked);

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