How feasible is it to customize the "ionic-img-viewer" npm package or replicate its image styling in Ionic 2?

I am wondering if it is possible to edit or add additional styles when my image is viewed using the "ionic-img-viewer" npm package. Alternatively, how can I apply the same styles as those on my original image tag?

For example, here is my img tag with some filter codes:

<img src="{{url}}" style="filter: brightness(130%) contrast(130%) grayscale(100%);" #imageToView>

Here are the codes for using the ionic-img-viewer npm package:

<button ion-button full clear icon-only color="" (click)="viewImg(imageToView)">
   <ion-icon name="expand"></ion-icon>

Typescript code snippet:

import { ImageViewerController } from "ionic-img-viewer";
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, ..., public imageViewerCtrl: ImageViewerController)   
viewImg(imageToView) {
  const viewer = this.imageViewerCtrl.create(imageToView);

When viewing the image with ionic-img-viewer, it displays the original image without any filters. Is there a way to apply my custom styles to the viewed image?

Please note that the ionic-img-viewer npm package can be found at [ ]

Answer №1

After some investigation, I managed to find the solution. By delving into the javascript files of npm located in:

..\node_modules\ionic-img-viewer\dist\umd\src\image-viewer.component.js ..\node_modules\ionic-img-viewer\dist\es2015\src\image-viewer.component.js

I then made changes to the template code based on the clues from the image provided below:

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