Side-menu elevates slider

Struggling to keep my slider fixed when the side-menu slides in from the left? I've scoured for solutions without luck. Any expert out there willing to lend a hand?

Code Snippet:

Answer №1

One problem arises from the fact that when you fade out .icon-menu, it is then set to display: none; after the fading animation completes. This causes it to no longer affect the position of the surrounding elements, resulting in them moving up.


This property turns off the display of an element (without affecting layout); all descendant elements also have their display turned off. The document is rendered as if the element did not exist.

You can address this issue by using the callback function of fadeOut to set visibility: hidden; instead. This way, the element becomes invisible while still influencing the position of nearby elements.


An element with this property is invisible (fully transparent, nothing is drawn), but still affects layout. Descendants will be visible if they have visibility: visible specified (note: this doesn't work in IE up to version 7).

CSS Property Change:


Modified To:

$('.icon-menu').fadeOut(100, function() {
    $(this).css({"display": "block", "visibility": "hidden"});

Alternative Approach

Alternatively, you could use the animate method and adjust the opacity to 0. This approach modifies the transparency of the element, keeping its effect on the positioning of nearby elements.

CSS Property Change:


Transformed To:

$('.icon-menu').animate({opacity: 0}, 100);

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