How come "display:none" is still occupying space on the page?

Trying to figure out how to make a specific cell in a table disappear when viewing an HTML page on mobile devices, while having a width of 20% for desktop. However, the issue is that even though the table cell is invisible on mobile, it still occupies space. I have come across various solutions online mentioning that 'display:none' should not take up space, but so far, I haven't been able to achieve that result.

This cell should be 20% wide on desktop but invisible on mobile. This cell should be 60% wide on desktop and 100% wide on mobile. This cell should be 20% wide on desktop but invisible on mobile.

Answer №1

The code you have written is not valid. In this context, a block element like <div> cannot be nested within a <tr> tag. The only valid elements to use here are <td> and <th>.

When viewed in Google Chrome, the <div> elements are incorrectly placed at the top level of the document body instead of within the table structure.

<div class="mobileHide"></div>
<div class="mobileHide"></div>
      This cell is supposed to be 20% wide on desktop but hidden on mobile.
      This cell is supposed to be 60% wide on desktop and 100% wide on mobile.
      This cell is supposed to be 20% wide on desktop but hidden on mobile.

If you need to hide table cells on mobile devices, assign the mobileHide class directly to the table cells themselves.

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