Various objects are becoming engaged and chosen instead of a single item being focused on

In my React application, I have integrated a searchable Semantic UI dropdown. The issue I am encountering is that when I select an item by typing in the search field, the element matching the search text gets the class "active" and the element at the index position also receives the class "selected". However, the expected behavior is for the element with the matching text to only have both classes "active" and "selected."

Here is the JavaScript code snippet:

import React from "react";
import { Dropdown } from "semantic-ui-react";

const countryOptions = [
  { key: "af", value: "af", flag: "af", text: "Afghanistan" },
  { key: "ax", value: "ax", flag: "ax", text: "Aland Islands" },
  { key: "al", value: "al", flag: "al", text: "Albania" },
  { key: "dz", value: "dz", flag: "dz", text: "Algeria" },
  { key: "as", value: "as", flag: "as", text: "American Samoa" }

const DropdownExampleSearchSelection = () => (

export default DropdownExampleSearchSelection;

And here is the HTML:

<div id="root"></div>

To see the expected code snippet, please visit: semantic-ui-example-zd7h6

Answer №1

A recent discovery was made regarding a bug when utilizing styled elements as triggers for Popup, Modal, and Sidebar in semantic-ui-react. A workaround has been developed to address this issue.

const ButtonWithRef = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
  <Ref innerRef={ref}>
    <Button {...props} />

export const WorkingButton = styled(ButtonWithRef)`
  color: green !important;

For more details and access to the code sandbox example, please visit the original author's repository here.

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