Troubleshooting problems with jQuery mmenu on Windows Phone (IE Mobile)

I am currently working on optimizing the mobile version of a website, utilizing jQuery MMenu for the menu. The functionality is seamless on various phones and tablets I have tested, except for Windows Phones...

Even with the plugin configured with the "positioning extension", the issue persists:

    slidingSubmenus: false,
    offCanvas: {
        position  : "left",
        zposition : "front"

On Windows Phones, when scrolling down, the menu gets cut off instead of displaying fully like on other devices where scrolling works properly.

Upon inspection with a remote debugger, I noticed that the distance between the top and the red line corresponds to the height of the html element in the DOM (highlighted using webkit). Although the CSS height value is set to 100% for both html and body elements, following advice from MMenu's website not to specify a height for these elements did not resolve the issue...

Additionally, I came across this which seems to address a similar problem, but unfortunately there are no solutions provided...

If anyone has encountered this issue before or has any advice on how to rectify it, please share your insights. Thank you.

Answer №1

After some searching, I was able to uncover the solution - it turned out that a custom script was causing a conflict with mmenu but wasn't generating any errors.

Answer №2

I am currently experiencing a problem. Can you please help me identify which script is causing the conflict with the menu?

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