How can you display a variety of preloader gifs depending on the specific ajax requests being made?

Currently, I have implemented a preloader gif for my ajax requests using the following code snippet:

$(document).ajaxStart(function () {
    var position = $('#parentDiv').position();
    position.left += (($('#parentDiv').width() / 2) - ($('#bigPreloader').width() / 2)); += (($('#parentDiv').height() / 2) - ($('#bigPreloader').height() / 2));
}).ajaxStop(function () {

The #parentDiv section occupies most of the page, with the preloader being 250x250 pixels and centered within #parentDiv.

Although this setup works well, I now have additional ajax calls that are related to specific inputs, rather than the entire page. For these instances, I intend to use a smaller preloader (14x14 pixels) placed inside the respective input field itself.

Is there a method within ajaxStart to identify which ajax call was triggered? Alternatively, can multiple ajaxStart events be assigned to specific elements?


$(document).ajaxSend(function (event, jqxhr, settings) {
    if (settings.url.indexOf('LoadInputData') == -1) {
        var position = $('#parentDiv').position();
        position.left += (($('#parentDiv').width() / 2) - ($('#bigPreloader').width() / 2)); += (($('#parentDiv').height() / 2) - ($('#bigPreloader').height() / 2));
    } else {
}).ajaxStop(function () {
    if ($('#bigPreloader').is(':visible')) {
    } else {

Answer №1

If all previous calls have finished, the .ajaxStart() function will be triggered. This means that if there are no requests in progress, the code in ajaxStart will be executed. However, when using asynchronous requests, this method may not be very helpful unless all prior requests have completed.

A better solution to address this issue would be to utilize the .ajaxSend() method instead. Unlike .ajaxStart(), this method is fired just before a request is sent out each time. To distinguish between requests, you can examine the parameters passed to the handler function. One approach is to check the URL, as illustrated in this example from the jQuery documentation:

$(document).ajaxSend(function(event, jqxhr, settings) {
    if ( settings.url == "ajax/test.html" ) { //Test by URL
        //Perform specific pre-loader tasks here

Additionally, you can specify the context in your specific request. By doing so, the $(this) selector will be set to the specified context, allowing for separation of logic from the DOM. This enables you to have a single function with the loader setup that can be applied to the designated element within the specified context.

    url: "test.html",
    context: document.body
}).done(function() {
    $(this).addClass("done"); //$(this) refers to document.body or another specified element for the loader.

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