Changing the screen resolution can cause the LI elements to become disorganized and appear out of

I have a menu that displays multiple links using a styled UL. Everything looks great at 100% resolution, but when I adjust the screen resolution, the links no longer fit within the menu and some end up on another line, causing issues.

My concern is this - if all the elements are aligned properly at 100% resolution, shouldn't they scale accordingly when the resolution changes? The structure of the menu should remain consistent. How can I keep this menu static and prevent the LI from reordering?

Here is my code snippet:

<ul class="top-menu drop" style="margin:4px 10px 0 0;">
//get items from DB to var $Result
 echo "<li><a href=''>$a_row[main_product_name]</a>";
 echo "<ul class='drop-down' id='menu$menu_id'>";
 //populate the menu UL
 echo "</ul></li>";

The CSS for the menu:

margin:0 10px 0 0;
list-style: none;

Answer №1

Consider these two approaches:

1) Utilize a pure CSS method by setting the width of the list elements in percentages to make them fluid. However, if you require different widths for each element, this may become tedious. In such cases, opt for the second option.

2) Implement JavaScript: Monitor the position of the last element and adjust either the padding or font-size accordingly to ensure they all fit on one row.

Answer №2

The reason for this issue is the margin-right being set to margin:0 10px 0 0; in your CSS. The only solution would be to use a media query.

For example:

.style {
    margin-right: 10px;
@media screen and (max-width:480px) {
    .style {
        margin-right: 4px;

Learn more about media queries here (

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