How can styles be customized for DialogContent and Dialog components in Material-UI?

My current dilemma involves a tricky situation:

I am trying to set the overflow property of dialogContent to auto so that my modal can scroll if its content exceeds the height of the dialog. However, there is a dropdown menu that I want to display without scrolling. The issue is that because of the overflow: auto, not only do I have to scroll down the dropdown menu, but also the dialog itself. Can anyone provide assistance with this?

const dialogStyle = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
    root: {
      width: '100vw',
    dialog: {
      overflow: 'visible',
    dialogContent: {
      overflow: 'auto',

Answer №1

If you're facing a similar problem, I was able to find the solution on my own.

One effective method to fix this is by including an attribute: <Dialog scroll='body' /> and setting both dialog and dialogContent overflow to visible.

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