How can JQuery determine the current CSS background image of a three-state icon or button?

I am facing a challenge with using three images to represent different states of an application icon, and I am trying to achieve this using CSS.

There are no issues with the original or hover states:

#myDIV {
background-image: url(icons/homeBlack.png);

#myDIV:hover {
background-image: url(icons/homeWhite.png);

However, there are two additional things that I need to accomplish: 1) When the item is clicked, it should use the third image.


// change this button
$(this).css("background-image", "url(icons/homeBlue.png)");


2) If it is clicked again, it should not apply the third image again because it's already applied - so it needs to check if it has been applied.

My inquiries include: 1) Am I missing a CSS technique, or is jQuery the best solution for this? 2) Is there a way to determine which background-image is currently in place?

I have searched through jQuery but couldn't find anything that would help me identify the current background image.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer â„–1

Implement 3 unique CSS classes:

.style_1 {background-image: url(icons/homeBlack.png)}
.style_2 {background-image: url(icons/homeWhite.png)}
.style_3 {background-image: url(icons/homeBlue.png)}

When checking the state of the DIV, use the following approach:

     if ($('#myDIV').hasClass('style_3')) {......}
else if ($('#myDIV').hasClass('style_2')) {......}
else                                      {......}

To update the image, toggle between classes like so:

$('#myDIV').removeClass('style_1 style_3').addClass('style_2');

For hover events, utilize jQuery as CSS alone may not suffice, unless using ":hover", ":visited" selectors.

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