How can I rearrange the button order in a Bootstrap table?

I'm having trouble getting this attribute to work in the table tag


Answer №1

Encountered a similar issue but managed to solve it:

To address this in the <table …> section, insert the following code snippet (for instance):

data-buttons-order="refresh, fullscreen, paginationSwitch, columns, advancedSearch, toggle"

(ensure not to include […] and '…')

Answer №2

As per the guidelines mentioned in the documentation, you need to include a ul element in order to add buttons. If you wish to modify the order of buttons, simply make changes to this list:

<ul id="sortable">      

Answer №3

Based on the documentation:

const $table = $('#table')

         columns: columnData,
         data: tableData,
         buttonOrder: ['button1','button2','button3']

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