Wrapping a series of grids within a parent container to manage height effectively with grid960

Testing on the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox;

Check out this example of an ideal layout in a PDF:

Here is the link to the direct page:

While Grid systems work well for width layout, I struggle with setting height constants.

In my code, I encountered 2 major issues:

  1. Ideally, I want to group sections in my code using a parent div that controls the height and margin-top. I attempted to create this div with a pale green color and padding for visualization.

This code snippet showcases this:

siteBody #businessSection{ padding-bottom:200px; background:#0F9;}

I have also illustrated this concept in this image:

Despite my efforts, I was unsuccessful in achieving this.

2. Next, I attempted to separate each section individually by using a class .businessInfo

#siteBody .businessInfo{height:200px; background:#ccc;}

Unfortunately, this method did not work either, even though all grids align perfectly.

I hope the explanations above make sense. I prefer solution one, but if that's not possible, option two will suffice.

If I overlooked anything, I will respond promptly.

Thank you!

Answer №1

The issue at hand arises from the reliance on float. Take for instance this problem: http://jsfiddle.net/GAvcL/

To resolve this problem, you can utilize the clear attribute.

Here is the solution:


This particular challenge is a common occurrence in HTML. To rectify it, ensure that before closing the div containing floated divs, include a div with the clear attribute.

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