How can I pass a variable to withStyles in Material UI?

Here is the code I am currently working with:

class StyledInput extends React.Component{

  styles = (color, theme) => ({
    underline: {
      borderBottom: `2px solid ${color}`,
      '&:after': {
        borderBottom: `2px solid ${color}`,
  div = props => (
    placeholder="temp input"
        root: props.classes.underline
        height: '1.5rem',
        marginTop: '-1rem',
  Styled = withStyles(this.styles('white'))(this.div)


export default StyledInput;

The current functionality successfully changes the color of the bottom bar in a material UI text field to white when clicked by the user.

However, my goal is to make it more dynamic, like this:

<this.Styled color={someDefinedColor}>{this.props.children}</this.Styled>

where Styled would be changed to:

Styled = (color) => withStyles(this.styles(color))(this.div)

I have attempted to implement this, but haven't been successful so far. Material-ui can be challenging when it comes to dynamically changing colors. Does anyone have any insight or suggestions on how to achieve this?

Thank you!

Answer №1

Check out this demo showcasing the usage of the new hook syntax:


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import StyledComponent from "./StyledComponent";

const CustomComponent = ({ children, className }) => {
  return (
    <p className={className}>
      Instead of automatically using a div, here we pass in the component to use.
      <br />

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <StyledComponent color="green">
        Here's my content with green underline
        Here's my content with blue underline that changes to orange on hover.

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);


import React from "react";
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/styles";

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  root: {
    borderBottom: ({ color }) => `2px solid ${color}`,
    "&:hover": {
      borderBottom: ({ color, hoverColor }) => {
        const borderColor = hoverColor ? hoverColor : color;
        return `2px solid ${borderColor}`;

const StyledComponent = ({
  component: ComponentProp = "div",
}) => {
  const classes = useStyles({ color, hoverColor });
  return <ComponentProp className={classes.root}>{children}</ComponentProp>;

export default StyledComponent;

If needed, you can extract the useStyles method into its own file and use it as a custom hook to provide the generated classes (including variable support) to multiple components beyond just StyledComponent.

Answer №2

Discover a new way to utilize props or a combination of props and themes with makeStyles(), similar to styled-components


import { tableCellStyles } from './element.styled.js';

const DataGridRow = (props) => {
    const { noPaddingTopBottom } = tableCellStyles(props);
            { (row,i) => (
                <StyledTableCell className={noPaddingTopBottom}>

Assuming that the props object passed from DataGridRow Component to tableCellStyles contains { color: 'grey', thinRow: true }


import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

export const tableCellStyling = makeStyles(theme => ({
    noPaddingTopBottom: {
        borderBottom: ({ color }) => color ? `2px solid ${color}` : '2px solid red',
        paddingBottom: props => props.hasActions && 0,
        paddingTop: props => props.hasActions && 0,
        backgroundColor: theme.palette.common.white,

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