How do I make the YouTube Grid Gallery player show up in a pop-up window?

I have been experimenting with the following code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadVideo(playerUrl, autoplay) {
      playerUrl + '&rel=1&border=0&fs=1&autoplay=' + 
      (autoplay?1:0), 'player', '290', '250', '9.0.0', false, 
      false, {allowfullscreen: 'true'});

function showMyVideos2(data) {
  var feed = data.feed;
  var entries = feed.entry || [];
  var html = ['<ul class="videos">'];
  for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
    var entry = entries[i];
    var title = entry.title.$t.substr(0, 15);
    var thumbnailUrl = entries[i].media$$thumbnail[0].url;
    var playerUrl = entries[i].media$$content[0].url;
    html.push('<li onclick="loadVideo(\'', playerUrl, '\', true)">',
              '<span class="titlec">', title, '...</span><br /><img src="', 
              thumbnailUrl, '" width="130" height="97"/>', '</span></li>');
  html.push('</ul><br style="clear: left;"/>');
  document.getElementById('videos2').innerHTML = html.join('');
  if (entries.length > 0) {
    loadVideo(entries[0].media$$content[0].url, false);
<div id="playerContainer" style="width: 20em; height: 180px; float: left;">
    <object id="player"></object>
<div id="videos2"></div>

You can find this code at:

I am looking for guidance on how to make the player appear in a popup using CSS options like visible and display. Any advice for a beginner would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To have the media player appear on top of your content, consider using position: absolute; in your CSS to remove it from the normal flow of the document. You can then use the top and left properties to position it wherever desired. Knowing the dimensions of the player, you can programmatically center it by calculating the appropriate top and left values with JavaScript.

Best wishes,
Sammy Success
Skyline Solutions

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