The ng-style directive is not functioning properly

After selecting a category, I attempted to change the color using "ng-style" in my HTML code. However, it seems that the color change is not taking effect.

This is the snippet from my HTML code:

<div ng-repeat="item in ListExpense" ng-class-odd="'item item-icon-left desc-expense a'" ng-class-even="'item item-icon-left desc-expense b'">
    <i class="icon ion-ios-pricetags" ng-style="{'color': selectedColor[$index]}" ng-click="showPopover($event, $index, item.ExpenseId, item.CategoryId)"></i>

    <div class="col description" ng-click="showEditExpense(item.ExpenseId)">{{ item.Title }}</div>
    <div class="col cost" ng-bind="item.Amount | currency:'':0"></div>

This is the code for my popup:

<div id="popup">
 <ion-scroll style="height: 190px;">
  <label ng-repeat="item in ListCategory" for="{{item.Name}}">
   <input type="radio"
          ng-click="closeInController(item.CategoryId, ItemId, paramDate)"

Additionally, this is the relevant section of my controller.js file for showing the category selection popup:

 // Controller Popover tags expense
.controller('PopOver', function($scope, $ionicPlatform, $ionicPopover, Category, Expense) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
// Code Snippet Omitted for Brevity

$scope.showPopover = function($event, index, ExpenseId, CategoryId) {
$scope.myCategory = CategoryId;
$scope.item_index = index;
$scope.ItemId = ExpenseId;

$scope.closeInController = function(selectedItem, ExpenseId, paramDate, color, cindex) {

  Expense.updateCategory(selectedItem, ExpenseId);
  Expense.getByDate(paramDate).then(function(res) {
    $scope.ListExpense = res;
  $scope.selectedColor = {};
  $scope.selectedColor[cindex] = color;
  console.log(cindex + ' -- ' + color);


I encountered an error where 'undefined' values are being displayed. Can anyone assist me with this issue?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Attempt switching up your script:

Get total expenses per category for next month and year:
Expense.totalPerCategory(mm+1, yy).then(function(res) {
    $scope.ListExpense = [];
    for (i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { 
            color: res[i].BgColor

Answer №2

Check out my response to a similar inquiry over here: ng-style blues You might want to experiment with using "style" instead, so adjust your code like this:

 <i class="icon ion-ios-pricetags" style="color:selectedColor[$index]" ng-click="showPopover($event, $index, item.ExpenseId, item.CategoryId)"></i>

Give it a shot. If that doesn't work, consider creating a function that generates the style string (e.g. "color:replace-with-color-here") and update the style to "style=colorFunct(selectedColor[$index])" to see if it helps.

Hope this helps, best regards.

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