How can I manage the pageWidth property in the layout of my xPage Bootstrap app?

Check out these two examples - one with app layout and the other with just a navbar, both with fixed pageWidth settings.

<xp:view xmlns:xp=""
    <xe:applicationLayout id="applicationLayout1">text
        <xe:bootstrapResponsiveConfiguration pageWidth="fixed"></xe:bootstrapResponsiveConfiguration>

<xp:view xmlns:xp=""
    <xe:navbar id="navbar1" pageWidth="fixed"></xe:navbar>

Is there a way to retrieve and adjust the pageWidth size/margins?

Answer №1

Instead of using the app layout, I've created my own navigation bar. It seems that by placing the nav bar inside the container div and applying custom CSS to set the container width, you can control how far other elements within the div stretch. This setup results in two areas of white space on either side of a content area in the center (including the navbar), which can be easily adjusted by changing the container width in the CSS. It offers flexibility in adjusting the size of the content area.

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