How can I incorporate the mix-blend-mode into my d3 stroke technique?

I am working with a packed circles graph that has circles with a black stroke on hover. I am interested in using the CSS property mix-blend-mode: multiply to change the circle border when hovered over.

My goal is to have the stroke color be a darker shade of the fill color when a circle is selected or hovered over. Since the stroke colors are dynamically generated, I do not want to define each one individually.

Is it possible to apply this CSS property along with d3.js circles so that only the stroke is affected by the mix-blend-mode property? It's worth noting that I am using version 4 of d3.js (d3.v4.min.js).

Answer №1

Running a bit behind schedule here. I encountered a similar issue (wanting to apply mix-blend-mode only to the stroke, not the fill, but it didn't work out that way). Nevertheless, upon seeing your problem.. while I'm not well-versed in d3.js, perhaps this solution could be of assistance after two years:

In your JavaScript, since you're defining the fill colors statically, the best approach would be to also define the stroke colors there.

Within your JavaScript, I introduced a secondary color array called 'my_colors_stroke' and positioned just below the fill style as a stroke style. Additionally, in your CSS, set the default stroke-width to 0.

This is a quick and somewhat crude fix, however, I suggest checking out the d3.js bubble documentation as they have a slightly different method for creating bubbles, which might simplify things.

Insert revised JavaScript code snippet here...
Insert revised CSS code snippet here...
<script src=""></script>

<div class="circles" id="circles">

Answer №2

To change the stroke color of your circle on hover, you can use the :hover pseudo-class in your CSS. This will allow you to set the stroke color to black when the circle is hovered over. For an example, refer to the left circle in the code snippet below.

Alternatively, you could try applying mix-blend-mode to the circle, although achieving a black stroke with this method may be tricky. Take a look at the right circle in the snippet for reference. Keep in mind that mix-blend-mode may not work in all browsers.

body {
  background: grey;

circle {

  fill: orange;
  stroke: DarkOrange;
  stroke-width: 2px;


circle.stroke-color:hover {

  stroke: black;


circle.mix-blend-mode:hover {

  mix-blend-mode: multiply;

<svg width="500" height="500">

  <circle class="stroke-color" cx="100" cy="75" r="50"/>
  <circle class="mix-blend-mode" cx="300" cy="75" r="50"/>


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