How can I incorporate checkboxes and crosses for validation in AngularJS?

I've been searching through the documentation for angularjs and online resources, but I can't seem to find any information regarding a specific aspect of form validation. You know when you input something in a form field (like a name, phone number, or email) and then a green checkmark or X appears next to it indicating whether it's correct or incorrect?

Well, I have those icons saved in my folder and ready to use for this purpose. The issue is that I'm struggling to find the right instructions on how to implement this feature properly. Since my code is mostly in angularjs, I believe using angularjs would be the best solution.

I came across some options in the documentation and forum posts related to angularjs, but unfortunately, they didn't work for me due to various reasons:

How to put an image in div with CSS?

I attempted to utilize CSS to manipulate the browser into displaying one of the images based on validation status. However, my efforts were futile as the image in my other div did not appear as expected.

For instance, I experimented with this CSS: .div.test{
    border-color: green;

Incorporating this code into my HTML:

<div class="test">
               <label style="float:left">by:</label>
               <input class="form-control controltwo" required ng-model="" name="email" id="email" type="email" style="width:350px;" placeholder="Email Address"/>


As mentioned earlier, my goal is to achieve this using angularjs. While CSS can handle styling, it falls short when it comes to complex validation tasks. I've explored different techniques from the provided links, but none of them proved effective. The second link, in particular, isn't designed for this specific functionality and the filter documentation doesn't offer much help either.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired outcome, you can examine the $valid or $invalid properties of your form control.

For instance, if you want to display a brief message when the email is invalid, you can include this element in your code:

<div ng-show='$dirty &&$invalid'>Invalid Email</div>

In the above example, reviewForm represents the name of your form, and email refers to your input control.

Feel free to customize this element to suit your needs.

Answer №2

To achieve this functionality, utilize the directives ng-show, ng-src, and ng-model depending on the validation requirements.

For more information, refer to:

The ng-model:text example demonstrates a similar scenario that aligns with your requirements. In case forms are not utilized, consider employing ng-change to trigger a validation check and modify the image accordingly.

Additional resources:

If ng-show monitors the $valid attribute of the specified field, it is possible to conceal the check mark when validation fails and reveal it upon successful validation. The logic can be inverted if a different symbol such as an X is desired.

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