Is it possible to rotate a group within an SVG without altering the orientation of the gradient fill it contains?

In my search on SO, I came across a lot of information about rotating gradients. However, my issue is the opposite.

I have an icon created from multiple paths that I want to fill with a vertical gradient. I have successfully done this and it works well.

Now, my challenge is to rotate a path or group while keeping the overall gradient of the icon fixed from top to bottom. Currently, when I rotate the semicircle in my test, it transitions from blue at the bottom to red as it reaches the top.

Although this example is simple, my goal is to be able to rotate or move paths and groups within my art piece while maintaining a consistent gradient fill throughout the entire artwork, similar to how I can do with non-animated artwork.

<svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns="">
    .spinner {
      transform-origin: center;
      animation: spinner_StKS 0.75s infinite linear;

    .bell {}

    @keyframes spinner_StKS {
      100% {
        transform: rotate(360deg);

  <linearGradient id="gradient" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1">
    <stop offset="0" stop-color="red" />
    <stop offset="1" stop-color="blue" />

  <g class="icon" fill="url(#gradient)">
    <g id="bell" transform="translate(8.000000, 7.050223)" class="bell">
      <path d="M15.8842999,14.4638359 C14.9360423,12.930403 14.4236902,11.1769083 14.4002435,9.38474047 L14.4002435,6.2627564 C14.4002435,2.80393155 11.5347569,1.77635684e-15 8,1.77635684e-15 C4.46524313,1.77635684e-15 1.59975652,2.80393155 1.59975652,6.2627564 L1.59975652,9.3800434 C1.5771244,11.1738044 1.06474385,12.9290182 0.115700067,14.4638359 C-0.0338774353,14.7055293 -0.0387448115,15.0073403 0.102964457,15.2535317 C0.244673725,15.4997232 0.510966493,15.6521939 0.799726089,15.6521939 L15.2002739,15.6521939 C15.4890335,15.6521939 15.7553263,15.4997232 15.8970355,15.2535317 C16.0387448,15.0073403 16.0338774,14.7055293 15.8842999,14.4638359 Z" id="Path"></path>
      <path d="M8.80563065,17.8637298 C9.48463281,17.6269821 10.018941,17.1041517 10.260886,16.4397355 L5.73911399,16.4397355 C5.95277088,17.026486 6.39588476,17.5061499 6.97097137,17.7732021 C7.54605798,18.0402543 8.20600694,18.0728182 8.80563065,17.8637298 Z" id="Path"></path>

    <path d="M16,4.42658222 C21.6727273,4.42658222 26.6181818,8.49003326 27.4909091,14.1498401 C27.6363636,15.1657028 28.5090909,16.0364423 29.6727273,16.0364423 L29.6727273,16.0364423 C30.8363636,16.0364423 31.8545455,15.0205796 31.8545455,13.8595936 C31.8545455,13.7144703 31.8545455,13.5693471 31.8545455,13.4242238 C30.4,4.71682872 22.2545455,-1.23322459 13.5272727,0.218007922 C6.69090909,1.37899393 1.30909091,6.60343099 0.290909091,13.4242238 C6.66133815e-16,14.7303331 0.872727273,15.7461958 2.03636364,16.0364423 C2.18181818,16.0364423 2.32727273,16.0364423 2.47272727,16.0364423 L2.47272727,16.0364423 C3.49090909,16.0364423 4.50909091,15.1657028 4.65454545,14.1498401 C5.38181818,8.49003326 10.3272727,4.42658222 16,4.42658222 Z" id="spinner" class="spinner"></path>
    <path d="M16,0.0728846708 C7.12727273,0.0728846708 0,7.18392399 0,16.0364423 C0,24.8889607 7.12727273,32 16,32 C24.8727273,32 32,24.8889607 32,16.0364423 C32,7.18392399 24.8727273,0.0728846708 16,0.0728846708 Z M16,27.6463025 C9.6,27.6463025 4.36363636,22.4218654 4.36363636,16.0364423 C4.36363636,9.65101927 9.6,4.42658222 16,4.42658222 C22.4,4.42658222 27.6363636,9.65101927 27.6363636,16.0364423 C27.6363636,22.4218654 22.4,27.6463025 16,27.6463025 Z" id="circle" class="ring" opacity="0.25"></path>

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can utilize a mask where all shapes are placed into the mask and then applied to a rectangle with a gradient fill.

In order to streamline the code, I swapped out the two paths creating the spinner with two circles.

.spinner {
  transform-origin: center;
  animation: spinner_StKS 0.75s infinite linear;

.bell {}

@keyframes spinner_StKS {
  100% {
    transform: rotate(360deg);
<svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns="">
    <linearGradient id="gradient" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1">
      <stop offset="0" stop-color="red" />
      <stop offset="1" stop-color="blue" />
    <mask id="m1">
      <g id="bell" fill="white" transform="translate(8.000000, 7.050223)" class="bell">
        <path d="M15.8842999,14.4638359 C14.9360423,12.930403 14.4236902,11.1769083 14.4002435,9.38474047 L14.4002435,6.2627564 C14.4002435,2.80393155 11.5347569,1.77635684e-15 8,1.77635684e-15 C4.46524313,1.77635684e-15 1.59975652,2.80393155 1.59975652,6.2627564 L1.59975652,9.3800434 C1.5771244,11.1738044 1.06474385,12.9290182 0.115700067,14.4638359 C-0.0338774353,14.7055293 -0.0387448115,15.0073403 0.102964457,15.2535317 C0.244673725,15.4997232 0.510966493,15.6521939 0.799726089,15.6521939 L15.2002739,15.6521939 C15.4890335,15.6521939 15.7553263,15.4997232 15.8970355,15.2535317 C16.0387448,15.0073403 16.0338774,14.7055293 15.8842999,14.4638359 Z" id="Path"></path>
        <path d="M8.80563065,17.8637298 C9.48463281,17.6269821 10.018941,17.1041517 10.260886,16.4397355 L5.73911399,16.4397355 C5.95277088,17.026486 6.39588476,17.5061499 6.97097137,17.7732021 C7.54605798,18.0402543 8.20600694,18.0728182 8.80563065,17.8637298 Z" id="Path"></path>
      <g stroke="white" stroke-width="4.6" fill="none">
      <circle cx="16" cy="16" r="13.7" class="spinner"
        stroke-dasharray="40 100" pathLength="100" stroke-linecap="round"/></circle>
      <circle cx="16" cy="16" r="13.7" opacity="0.25"/></circle>
  <rect width="32" height="32" fill="url(#gradient)" mask="url(#m1)"/></rect>

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