Switching Out Bootstrap Dropdown with Dropup (Varying functionality on two almost identical implementations)

In the midst of my project on Github Pages, I encountered an interesting issue involving replacing a bootstrap .dropdown with .dropup when the div's overflow-y: scroll causes the dropdown menu to be cut off or overflow. The functionality can be viewed in action at this demonstration. Pay special attention to how clicking the ellipsis icon on the top rows results in a dropdown, while clicking it on the bottom rows triggers a drop up.

In my current implementation (Github page), the code remains identical (as shown below). However, there seems to be an issue where it replaces all instances of .dropdown classes with .dropup upon opening, including the top row which is cut off as depicted in the image below. https://i.sstatic.net/Cq7MB.png This problem has been persisting for about a week, and I haven't been able to find a solution. I've attempted various approaches that seemed promising but ultimately turned out to be ineffective hacks or didn't work properly on mobile devices, leaving me frantically searching for a viable fix.

Below is the Javascript / jQuery code I'm employing, accessible through the jsfiddle and my Github source here.

$(document).on("shown.bs.dropdown", ".dropdown", function () {
  // calculate the required sizes, spaces
  var $ul = $(this).children(".dropdown-menu");
  var $button = $(this).children(".song-menu");
  var ulOffset = $ul.offset();
  // how much space would be left on the top if the dropdown opened that direction
  var spaceUp = (ulOffset.top - $button.height() - $ul.height()) - $('#playlist').scrollTop();
  // how much space is left at the bottom
  var spaceDown = $('#playlist').scrollTop() + $('#playlist').height() - ((ulOffset.top + 10) + $ul.height());
  // switch to dropup only if there is no space at the bottom AND there is space at the top, or there isn't either but it would be still better fit
  if (spaceDown < 0 && (spaceUp >= 0 || spaceUp > spaceDown))
}).on("hidden.bs.dropdown", ".dropdown", function() {
  // always reset after close

Edit: To avoid any confusion, consider this example without my added .dropup feature. jsfiddle. Notice the need for scrolling when clicking the last menu item opens the menu. In such cases, my objective is to eliminate the .dropdown class and replace it with .dropup to ensure seamless menu interaction without requiring scrolling.

Answer №1

After some careful calculations, I was able to determine the best approach for achieving your desired functionality. This script dynamically switches between bootstrap classes dropup and dropdown based on available space within a standard dropdown menu.

I arrived at this solution by subtracting the height of the button, dropdown menu, and the button's scroll position within the designated container from the total height of the container. To determine the scroll distance, I calculated the difference between the button's offset position and that of the scroll container.

The jQuery code snippet below is tailored to target elements with the .playlist class, which reflects the specified scrollContainer. You may need to adjust this targeting logic according to your specific setup:

$(".dropdown, .dropup").click(function(){
 var dropdownClassCheck = $(this).hasClass('dropdown');
 var buttonOffset = $(this).offset().top;
 var scrollboxOffset = $('.playlist').offset().top;
 var buttonHeight = $(this).height();
 var scrollBoxHeight = $('.playlist').height();
 var dropDownButtonHeight = $(this).children('ul').height();
 dropdownSpaceCheck = scrollBoxHeight>buttonOffset-scrollboxOffset+buttonHeight+dropDownButtonHeight; 
 if(dropdownClassCheck && !dropdownSpaceCheck){
 else if(!dropdownClassCheck && dropdownSpaceCheck){

You can access a functional demonstration on JSFiddle

Please feel free to provide feedback on any aspects of the code that could be optimized or simplified, as well as any issues you encounter with this solution.

Answer №2

Without deeply examining, it seems that the issue arises when using .scrollTop() in conjunction with other elements in the DOM. As a resolution, here is an alternative approach:

function checkHeights(){
  // Iterate through each dropdown
    var $dropDown = $(element),
        $dropDownMenu = $dropDown.find('.dropdown-menu'),
        dropDownTop = $dropDown.offset().top,
        visibleHeight = $dropDown.height(),
        hiddenHeight = $dropDownMenu.height(),
        ddTop = dropDownTop - hiddenHeight,
        ddBottom = dropDownTop + visibleHeight + hiddenHeight;
    // Traverse all parent elements
      var $el = $(el);
      // Check if any of them have the overflow property set
      if( $el.css('overflow') !== 'visible' ){
        var limitTop = $el.offset().top,
            limitBottom = limitTop + $el.height();
        // Determine if dropping upside-down fits better within the parent element
        if( limitBottom < ddBottom && ( ddTop - limitTop ) > ( limitBottom - ddBottom ) )
        // Exit loop
        return false;

$(document).ready(function() {

View JS Fiddle here.

This implementation does not depend on having specific class or id attributes assigned except for dropdown,dropdown-menu, and dropup (which are Bootstrap defaults) and can function smoothly even with multiple playlists on the page.


The code has been updated and encapsulated within a function to enable execution upon scroll events.

Answer №3

It seems to me that the issue is related to having a large header on your end while jsFiddle does not. This causes ulOffset.top to consistently be large, resulting in spaceDown being constantly negative.

Answer №4

Swap out the parent div.dropdown with div.dropup.

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