How can I extend the input field length in the form to make it appear more compact?

<div formGroupName="xxxx" class="form-row">
  <div class="form-group col-md-3">
    <mat-form-field class="row-styling">
      <mat-label> Mobile Number </mat-label>
        [value]="['controls'].cellPhone.value | phone"

I attempted to add a width of 200px in the platform field but it did not have any effect. Check out the image here.

Answer №1

Once you have included the CSS class called row-styling, simply insert the following lines of code into your .scss file to make it functional.

.row-styling {
    input {

If you are still not achieving the desired width, consider adding !important after 200px in your .scss file.

Answer №2

Make sure to include the word essential in your input control style. Your own style should take precedence over Bootstrap's style, like this:

<div formGroupName="xxxx" class="form-row">
          <div class="form-group col-md-3 ">
            <mat-form-field class = "row-styling">
              <mat-label> Cell Phone </mat-label>
              <input style="width: 200px!important;" matInput phoneNumberOnly 
                [value]="['controls'].cellPhone.value | phone"  
                maxlength="12" formControlName="cellPhone" name="yyy" />

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