The image is refusing to adjust according to CSS settings

Why won't the image adjust to the CSS? I'm trying to move the picture to the side a bit by adding margin, but it's not working out. Any ideas?


<div class="la">
    <h1> GREET THE TEAM </h1>

<img class="pic" src="duve.png">




.pic {
  height: 500px; 
  width: 250px;
  margin: 50px;
  border: 5px solid black;


Any suggestions on how to position the picture slightly to the left side? I've tried various options without success.

Answer №1

Have you made sure to link your CSS file with the HTML file you're currently working on?

For instance, if your CSS file is named style.css, you should include the following line within the <head> tag of your HTML file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

Update: Pay attention to the location of both your HTML and CSS files. If they are stored in different directories, make sure to adjust the href accordingly.

For example, if the style.css file is located higher up in the file hierarchy than the HTML file, then the href should be href="../styles.css"

Answer №2

It is recommended to utilize: margin-left: 50px rather than margin: 50px, as using margin:50px will result in a 50px gap on all sides of the image.

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