How can I eliminate the padding from an image button in Bootstrap 5?

I am facing an issue with removing padding from a button that has an image inside it. I have tried using style="padding: 0px !important" and the p-0 class, but it doesn't seem to work. Switching the <button> to <a> removes the padding, but then I lose the click effect. Any solutions or suggestions?

This is my HTML Navbar:

<nav class="d-flex icon_ah navbar sticky-top navbar-dark bg-dark navbar-expand-lg p-0">
        <form action="#">
            <button type="submit" class="navbar-toggler p-0 m-2 border-0">
                <span class="bi bi-house-fill"></span>
        <form class="btn-group">
            <button class="navbar-toggler p-0 m-2 border-0" id="dropdownMenuButton1" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-display="static">
                <span class="bi bi-plus-circle"></span>
            <ul class="dropdown-menu bg-dark d-lg-none" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton1">
                <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($item_ah); $i++) { ?>
                    <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="<?= $item_ah[$i][1]; ?>"><?= $item_ah[$i][0]; ?></a></li>
                <?php } ?>
    <div class="ms-auto">
        <form class="btn-group">
            <button class="navbar-toggler p-0 m-2 border-0" id="dropdownMenuButton2" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-display="static">
                <img class="rounded" style="height:29.33px;" src="\img\system\user.png" alt="user-glories">
    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNavDropdown">
        <ul class="navbar-nav">
            <li class="nav-item icon_ahm">
                <a class="nav-link" href="<?= base_url('#'); ?>">
                    <b class="bi bi-house-fill"></b> Dashboard</a>
            <li class="nav-item dropdown icon_ahm">
                <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownMenuLink" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
                    <b class="bi bi-plus-circle-fill"></b> New
                <ul class="dropdown-menu bg-dark" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">
                    <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($item_ah); $i++) { ?>
                        <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="<?= $item_ah[$i][1]; ?>"><?= $item_ah[$i][0]; ?></a></li>
                    <?php } ?>

This is my CSS:

.sampul {
  width: 70px;

.table > tbody > tr > * {
  vertical-align: middle;

.icon_ah > div > button,
.icon_ah > div > form > button {
  font-size: 29.33px;

.icon_ahm > ul > li > a,
.icon_ahm {
  font-size: 13px;

.dropdown-item {
  color: #b4b9be;

.dropdown-item:hover {
  color: rgb(85, 85, 85);
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.856);

.dropdown-item:active {
  color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.363);

Answer №1

Have you attempted adjusting the box-sizing property to content-box?

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