How can I center one middle position for my inputs and have the span align to the left?

How can I center my input fields with all the spans aligned to the left?

I would like the inputs to be centered on the page, with supporting spans aligned to the left or right of the input lane.

I am utilizing some Bootstrap 4 classes for this layout.


span {
    color: oldlace;

input {
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;


<form (submit)="submit()">

  <div id="egg" class="invisible">
    <span class="p-1">Egg</span>
    <input class="text-center rounded-pill border border-danger p-1 m-1" type="number" title="Egg" name="egg"
      placeholder="gram" [(ngModel)]="protein.egg">
    <!-- <span class="p-1"> size</span><br> -->

  <div id="bread" class="invisible">
    <span class="p-1">Bread</span>
    <input class="text-center rounded-pill border border-danger p-1 m-1" type="number" title="Bread" name="bread"
      placeholder="gram" [(ngModel)]="protein.bread">
    <!-- <span class="p-1"> slices , 30g pre slice</span><br> -->


Answer №1

Applying width to span elements is possible.

.spanE {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 5rem;
<form (submit)="submit()">
<div id="egg" class="invisible">
<span class="p-1 spanE">Egg</span>
<input class="text-center rounded-pill border border-danger p-1 m-1" type="number" title="Egg" name="egg"
placeholder="gram" [(ngModel)]="protein.egg">
<!-- <span class="p-1"> size</span><br> -->

<div id="bread" class="invisible">
<span class="p-1 spanE">Bread</span>
<input class="text-center rounded-pill border border-danger p-1 m-1" type="number" title="Bread" name="bread"
placeholder="gram" [(ngModel)]="protein.bread">
<!-- <span class="p-1"> slices , 30g pre slice</span><br> -->

Answer №2

Utilize the tablet in a singular column layout where the first column is designated for entering field names and the second column is reserved for input fields.

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