How can I apply a unique CSS class to specific rows within an h:dataTable?

I am looking to apply unique CSS classes to certain rows within my <h:dataTable>. Is it possible to manipulate and style the individual table rows in a customized manner?

Answer №1

Connect the rowClasses property to a bean method that generates the necessary CSS classes.

<h:dataTable value="#{bean.list}" rowClasses="#{bean.rowClasses}">

For example, you can achieve this by:

public String getRowClasses() {
    StringBuilder rowClasses = new StringBuilder();
    for (Item item : list) {
        if (rowClasses.length() > 0) rowClasses.append(",");
    return rowClasses.toString();

Update to clarify, with this approach you have complete control over the generated rowClasses string. The provided example is just a starting point and doesn't have to rely on Item#getRowClass(). You could use a simple loop with a counter instead.

For instance:

public String getRowClasses() {
    StringBuilder rowClasses = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        if (rowClasses.length() > 0) rowClasses.append(",");
        rowClasses.append(selected.contains(i) ? "selected" : "none");
    return rowClasses.toString();

Here, selected is a List<Integer>. If it includes values like 1, 2, and 5, then the resulting string will represent each of the 10 items with either "selected" or "none" classes:


Answer №2

I think @BalusC has a great suggestion. For another option, you could easily achieve this using JavaScript and jQuery.

If you're using jQuery, it can be done like this:

(Please note that this is just a sample code and may need refinement)

  var counter = 0;
  $('#myTable').each(function() {
      counter = counter + 1;
      if(counter==3) {

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