How can I align the title of a cell to the left while centering the remaining content?

I have a dilemma with two table cells placed side by side that stack upon triggering a media query for an HTML newsletter. I wish to align the headlines "Be Ready" and "Stay Organized" to the left when the responsive code activates, but the use of "margin: 0px auto" causes all content to center. Is there a way to maintain left alignment without disrupting other content? Moving them out of the data cell results in everything going haywire.

The headlines "Stay Organized" and "Be Ready" are centered when the code becomes responsive. I need them to be left aligned instead.

Here's how it should appear on mobile:

Any assistance provided is greatly appreciated.

(HTML code continues here)

Answer №1

Although it is not advisable to use nested tables, you may need to add an additional table to achieve the desired layout: see demo

<table width="80%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

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