How can I adjust the size of posts on the Tumblr Official Theme?

The size of posts on the Tumblr Official Theme caught my attention recently. It seems they are set at 500px, causing photos posted on the blog at the original dash post size of 540px to be compressed. I've examined the coding for the theme but can't seem to locate where to adjust it.

I've thoroughly checked both the html and css coding in the theme but unfortunately, cannot pinpoint where to make the necessary changes.

Answer №1

The original Tumblr template relies on an external style sheet for its CSS, which means there isn't much CSS code within the theme editor that can be modified.

All posts are housed in a section labeled .main, with the stylesheet dictating .main {max-width: 502px}.

To adjust this, simply include .main {max-width: 540px} in your CSS file (anywhere before </style>). Feel free to alter the 540 value to suit your needs.

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