Hover over to see the impressive special effect produced by Scriptaculous Effect.Appear

Having an issue with using scriptaculous Effect.Appear() as a menu option. I'm trying to create a flash-like menu using pure css and scriptaculous.

I've managed to achieve the desired outcome where hovering over a box triggers a text (with display: none;) to appear above it, while the box changes height and background color. However, the problem arises when moving the mouse quickly and erratically over the box - the text remains visible as if it was selected.

What I aim for is to have the text appear on hover and disappear when the mouse moves out of the area.

Here are my codes:

function ShowEffect(element){
   new Effect.Appear(element, 
   {duration:0.3, from:0, to:1.0, queue: 'front'});
function HideEffect(element){
   new Effect.Appear(element, 
   {duration:0.2, from:1.0, to:0, queue: 'end'});

The Divs:

<div class="lefty" style="width: 90px; margin-right: 2px;">
                <div style="display: none;" id="clicker2text">ABOUT US</div>
                <div style="width: 90px;" onmouseover="ShowEffect('clicker2text')" onmouseout="HideEffect('clicker2text')"></div>

Any assistance would be highly appreciated :)

Answer №1

Try using event observers instead of the onmouseover attribute on the div, like this:


You might find it more effective to watch for events bubbling up to the body and then take action accordingly if it's the right element.

        // Ensure all menus are hidden instead of stuck on

Give this a try and see if it offers a solution to your issue.

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