Chrome and Firefox browsers are not supporting HTML simple anchor links

Creating a portfolio page at this link ( and encountering an issue with the navigationMenu. When rapidly clicking on the links on the side, they do not redirect to the correct anchor point (some don't move the page at all). I have set up my anchor tags like so:

<ol class="curtains">
    <li id="home" class="cover">
        <a id="home"></a>
        <header data-fade="550" data-slow-scroll="3">
            <h1>John Smith</h1>
            <h2>HOBBY/JOB TITLE</h2>

The code for my navbar -

<ul id="navigationMenu">
        <a class="home" href="#home">
        <a class="about" href="#about">
         <a class="projects" href="#projects">
        <a class="resume" href="#resume">
        <a class="contact" href="#contact">
            <span>Contact us</span>

Simply clicking on the navbar or typing #home in the address bar sometimes does not bring the browser back to the top. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Answer №1

Unique identifiers are essential for pinpointing specific locations on a webpage.

To quickly navigate to the top of a page, simply use "#" as the value for your href attribute in an anchor tag.

Linking to the id of a <div> element will direct you straight to that particular section.

<a href="#section1"></a>

<div id="section1"></div>

Check out this demonstration:

Answer №2

To show a link, you can use the following code:

<a id="contact" href="contact.php">Contact</a>

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