The flashing of Bootstrap tabs can be seen on various pages

Currently, I am encountering an issue with bootstrap tabs on my website. There seems to be a blinking problem with the tabs on certain pages. Check out this video showcasing the blinking tab in the search result page: Watch Here

Interestingly, the same tab on a different page does not exhibit any blinking behavior. Have a look at this video for reference: Watch Here

I have thoroughly examined all the code but couldn't find the root cause of this issue. Any assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

When comparing the search page to other videos, it's interesting to note that there are two tabs on the search page and only one tab on the videos. This disparity could be due to a potential error in the jQuery code for the search page. Take a closer look at your jQuery code or consider removing the left sidebar from the search page before conducting tests.

Fingers crossed that this solution resolves the issue.

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