Horizontalize your lists

Is there a way to make the li elements horizontal in this pagination setup? I've attempted

  • display: inline
  • and
  • display: float
  • , but neither seem to be working for me.

    <ul class="pagination" style="display:inline; text-align: center; margin:0;"><li style="display:inline; float: none;"><a href="view_customer_for_manager.php?page=<?php echo $b;?>" style="text-decoration:none; font-size:20px;"><?php echo $b;?></a></li></ul>

    Just to clarify, this code snippet pertains to pagination functionality.

    Answer №1

    ul { display: inline; }

    This solution should be effective. Perhaps you adjusted the li element to have a style of display:inline;

    Answer №2

    The use of display: float is incorrect; the proper syntax should be float, as it is a style property on its own and not a valid value for display. This information can easily be found in various CSS resources, so your research may need to be more thorough.

    When creating horizontal lists, consider using:

    • float: left
    • display: inline-block

    Ensure that the parent ul element is set to display: block by default and is not floated or absolutely positioned - unless you provide a fixed width to accommodate the list items horizontally.

    Answer №3

    Consider using inline-block elements. Here's an example:

    ul {
      border: 1px dotted blue;
      text-align: center;
    ul li {
      display: inline-block;
      border: 1px dotted gray;
      <li>Some content</li>
      <li>Some content</li>
      <li>Some content</li>
      <li>Some content</li>
    /* If you want the elements to be right next to each other, make sure
       to remove any whitespace between any two elements... */
      <li>Some content</li><li>Some content</li><li>Some content</li><li>Some content</li>

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