Using HTML5, the <section> element can inherit styling from the

This is my first time building a website using HTML5 and I've come across a small problem.

Here is the code snippet:




The issue I'm facing is that the footer within my section is inheriting the style of the main footer. I'm not sure how to prevent this inheritance in my code. Can someone provide guidance?

Additional note: The footer within the section is what's inheriting the style, not the main footer. Here is an image for reference: link to photo

Answer №1

Andrew's suggestion is spot on - simply include a class in the footer or create a style for it: 'section > footer{}' or 'body > footer{}'

Answer №2

One option is to assign an identifier or style class to your section footer, for example: section > footer { }

Keep in mind that this approach may not be fully compatible with all browsers and can appear messy. My suggestion would be to simply include an ID or CLASS.

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