Hiding the button until either hovering over the div or entering text into the input field

I'm looking to create the following structure:

<div class-name="search">
  <input class-name="input"/>
  <button class-name="searchbutton> search </button>

However, I would like the button to initially be hidden. I want the button to appear when I hover over the .search div or when the .input has a value in it. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

To begin, you can start with:

.input + button {
.input:hover + button ,.input:valid + button ,.input:focus + button {
<div class-name="search">
  <input class="input" required />
  <button class="searchbutton"> search </button>

Now, an update based on a comment:

Hello, I would like to only hide the button, not the input field. Additionally, I want the search div to reveal the button when hovered. Is it possible to achieve this? – Alex K

.input + button {
.search:hover button {
<div class="search">
  <input class="input" required />
  <button class="searchbutton"> search </button>

Answer №2

If you want to hide the search button using the "display" property, you can start by making the button invisible. Here's how you can do it...

<button class-name="searchbutton style="display: none;"> search </button>

After hiding the button, you can make it appear when the user hovers over the search area. This can be achieved with the following code...

.search:hover {
    .searchbutton {
        display: inline-block;

Additionally, you can make the button appear when the input field is selected. Here's how you can implement that...

.input {
    .searchbutton {
        display: inline-block;

Answer №3

To toggle the visibility of a button using JavaScript, you can utilize a basic event handling technique.

var search = document.querySelector("[class-name=search]");
var searchButton = document.querySelector("[class-name=searchbutton]");
var input = document.querySelector("[class-name=input]");
function showSearchButton() {
    searchButton.style.display = "block";
function hideSearchButton() {
    searchButton.style.display = "none";
search.onmouseover = showSearchButton;
input.onchange = showSearchButton;
//Hide the element when the mouse leaves the search area
search.onmouseleave = hideSearchButton;

For styling with CSS, initially hide the button and only show it when hovered over or when the input value changes.

[class-name=searchbutton] {
    display: none;

It is recommended to use just "class" instead of "class-name" for easier handling of elements.

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