Hide popup using HTML when clicking outside of it

Currently, I have implemented Bootstrap Popover with HTML content using the code snippet below. This code is based on the answer provided at .

            html: true,
            placement: 'bottom',
            content: function () {
                return $("#song-status-popover").html();

In order to close the popover when clicking outside of it, I have included the following code:

$('html').on('mouseup', function (e) {
            if (!$(e.target).closest('.popover').length) {
                $('.popover').each(function () {

Although the current setup works well, I am encountering an issue when trying to open the popover again after closing it by clicking outside. It requires two clicks on the link to open the popover again.

I am seeking assistance in identifying what might be missing or causing the popover not to open in a single click after being closed by an external click. Any help would be appreciated!

UPDATE: My theory is that even though clicking outside hides the popover, Bootstrap still registers it as open. Hence, on the first click after closure, it assumes the popover is already closed, taking a second click to actually open it.

Answer №1

Take a look at this code snippet

$('html').on('click', function(e) {
  if (!$(e.target).is('.song-status-link') && $(e.target).closest('.popover').length == 0) {

Explore the example on JSFiddle for more details

Answer №2

To locate it, you must use the .find() method and ensure that it is visible/available in the Document Object Model by using :visible:

if ($(this).find('.tooltip:visible').length) {

Answer №3

You can achieve this functionality using Bootstrap without any additional plugins. The only limitation is that the popover cannot contain focusable elements.

Refer to the Dismiss on next click section in the official documentation for more information.

This feature relies on the focus event to show the popover and the blur event to hide it. When you click outside of the trigger element, a blur event is triggered which hides the popover.

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