Having trouble with vendor CSS not being recognized during brunch compilation

I am currently exploring the use of Pure.css in my application. After installing it via npm, I have configured my brunch-config.js as follows:

stylesheets: {
  joinTo: {
    'app.css': /^app/,
    'vendor.css': /^(?!app)/

At this point, I anticipated that vendor.css would be generated, but unfortunately it does not. Strangely, if I include require('purecss'); in my JavaScript file, then the vendor.css is generated. However, this results in a JavaScript error stating "Cannot find module 'purecss' from '<filename>'". I have also experimented with using various versions of @import 'purecss' in my CSS files without any success.

Does anyone know how to properly include vendor CSS from npm modules?

Answer №1

If you want to add

to your project using npm, you can do so by configuring the npm section in your brunch-config.js file. Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

npm: {
  styles: {
    bootstrap: ['dist/css/bootstrap.css']

This configuration, combined with the files section in your brunch-config.js file, will ensure that bootstrap's css is written into vendor.css.

Here is a complete example of a brunch-config.js file that includes bootstrap css:

module.exports = {
  files: {
    javascripts: {
      joinTo: {
        'app.js': /^app/,
        'vendor.js': /^(?!app)/
    stylesheets: {
      joinTo: {
        'app.css': /^app/,
        'vendor.css': /^(?!app)/

  plugins: {
    babel: { presets: ['es2015'] }

  npm: {
    styles: {
      bootstrap: ['dist/css/bootstrap.css']

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