Having trouble with setting CSS style in <p> tags within Codeigniter framework

Why is the class mentioned in the p tag not applying in Chrome but working in IE and Firefox?

<p class="p_error"><?php print $this->validation->errorValue;?></p>

Here is the CSS ->

Any hints or reasons why it's not working?
From the Chrome output -> using inspect element ->
<p class="p_error"></p>
<p>The Treated By field is required.</p>

Answer №1

By default, the system automatically wraps error messages in a paragraph tag (<p>). If you want to modify these wrappers, simply use the following code snippet in your controller:

$this->validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class="custom-error">', '</div>');

More information can be found at: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/validation.html

Answer №2

Can you share a snippet of your CSS code? It should resemble the following:

.warning_message {
  color: orange;
  font-weight: bold;

Answer №3

This snippet of code was generated by a PHP script:

<p class="p_error"><p>The Treated By field is required.</p></p>

According to the HTML specification:

  • A P element cannot be nested within another P element
  • The closing </P> tag may be omitted as it is implied

These guidelines allow for writing code like this:

<p>First paragraph
<p>Second paragraph

In this scenario, the browser will automatically close the first paragraph before starting the second one with <p>.

Due to these rules, the error message appears outside of the p_error paragraph, as shown in the "inspect element" feature:

<p class="p_error"></p>
<p>The Treated By field is required.</p>

Answer №4

In a nutshell, it's not a good idea to nest <p> tags within each other because web browsers can get confused when presented with

. Instead, you have a couple of options available to you.

<?= form_error('lastname_error', '<p class="p_error">', '</p>'); ?>

You could utilize the built-in wrapper arguments like above, or alternatively, you can enclose the content inside a tag that can contain <p>, such as a <div>.

<div class="p_error"><?php print $this->validation->lastname_error;?></div>

Just remember that if you go the <div> route, you'll need to style the container instead of using styles for the <p> element.

Answer №5

By default, the system surrounds each error message with a paragraph tag (<p>). To customize these delimiters, simply add this code snippet to your controller:

$this->validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class="error">', '</div>');

Check out more details at: http://examplewebsite.com/user-guide/validation-library

Answer №6

It seems likely that the $errorValue variable contains additional HTML tags that are conflicting with the styling of <p>

Answer №7

Ensure to hold down the Shift key while refreshing your page to ensure that your browser properly loads the updated CSS (if you have added any p_error since originally loading the page).

Answer №8

There's currently nothing within your

<p class="p_error"></p>
element, so no content is being displayed. If you want to display specific errors, you should utilize

<?php echo form_error('your_field'); ?>

and for custom error styling

<?php echo form_error('your_field', '<p class="p_error">', '</p>'); ?>

Important reminder: Within your view, $this does not function as it requires a class context to operate.

Answer №9

To rectify the issue, a quick solution would involve modifying your code as shown below:

CSS (unchanged)

.p_error{ color:red; text-align:left; font-size:12px; }

PHP (replacing P with DIV)

<div class="p_error"><?php print $this->validation->errorValue;?></div>

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