Having trouble toggling the navbar on and off in mobile. Error message: Unable to read parentnode of undefined

When I try to make my mobile navbar full screen on a mobile device, the hamburger button works as expected when clicked. Initially, all the links are displayed in full page view, but once I click on a link, it disappears and takes me to the respective section of the page. However, the issue arises when I try to do two consecutive clicks – an error saying “Cannot read property parentNode of undefined” is thrown. It seems like the problem lies in how I am hiding the ul element. On the first click, I change the display to none (initially set to visible), but I have to wait until it becomes available again in the DOM before I can hide it once more.

I am currently exploring possible solutions to address this issue. You can find the codepen with the implementation here.

Thank you,


// BEM terminology added, but not yet implemented. Just basic css down there 

      a(href="") Home
      a(href="") About
      a(href="") Labs
      a(href="") Contact 

    button.hamburger__btn Toggle
      a(href="") Home
      a(href="#about") About
      a(href="#labs") Labs
      a(href="#contact") Contact
    h1 About
    p  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Esse dolorum, accusamus officiis possimus cupiditate facere, sequi illum nobis saepe quidem repudiandae magnam natus cum animi repellendus. Illum qui, nobis voluptas.
    h1 Labs
    p  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ...

// Additional CSS styles follow...

// JavaScript

$(function () {
  var hamburgerBtn =  document.getElementsByClassName('hamburger__btn')[0];
  var navBar = hamburgerBtn.parentNode.parentNode;
  var navBarUlEl = navBar.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];

  // Makes the hamburger btn clickable
  hamburgerBtn.onclick = function() {

     var ulNavFlex = document.getElementsByClassName('navigation--mobile--flex')[0];
    var navBarFlex = ulNavFlex.parentNode;

    console.log('This is the ulnavflex: ' + ulNavFlex);
    console.log('This is the navflex: ' + navBarFlex.classList);
    console.log('This is the navbar: ' + navBar.classList);

    var ulNavFlexLinks = ulNavFlex.getElementsByTagName('a');


    for (var i = 0; i < ulNavFlexLinks.length; i++) {

  // Toggles Link Clicks
  var toggleLinkClick = ...

// The script continues...

Answer №1

It appears that there is a logical error in the code. When a section is selected from the menu, two classes - animate and navigation--mobile--hidden are added in the toggleLinkClick listener. However, when the menu is clicked again, the toggleClass function fails to update the class properly. To resolve this issue, you can modify the toggleClass function as shown below:

 var toggleClass = function(el) {
    if ($(el).hasClass('navigation--mobile--hidden')) {
      el.className = 'navigation--mobile--flex';
    } else if ($(el).hasClass('navigation--mobile-flex')) {
      el.className = 'navigation--mobile--hidden';
    } else {
      el.className = 'navigation--mobile--hidden';

Please note: I have used jQuery to check for the existence of a class since you have utilized jQuery.

Alternatively, another way to address this issue is to remove the animate class once the animation is completed in your toggleLinkClick listener, like so:

 var toggleLinkClick = function(el) {
    el.onclick = function() {
        console.log('I was clicked from: ' + el)
        if (navBarUlEl.classList == 'navigation--mobile--flex') {

In this scenario, you won't need to modify your toggleClass function to include an if statement.

For a demonstration of the second solution, visit this CodePen link. And for the first solution, refer to this CodePen link.

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