Having trouble importing CSS in ReactJS?

While working on my project based on next.js, I encountered a situation where loading CSS in other pages was successful:

import css from './cssname.css';

<div className={css.myclass}></div>

However, now that I am implementing a lightbox component from this link, I needed to import the necessary CSS file like this:

import "react-popupbox/dist/react-popupbox.css"

The problem arises when the CSS does not apply correctly in my code. Below is the complete code which I copied from the documentation's first example:

import React ,{Component} from 'react';
import { PopupboxManager, PopupboxContainer } from 'react-popupbox';
import "react-popupbox/dist/react-popupbox.css"

class lightbox extends Component{


        this.openPopupbox = this.openPopupbox.bind(this);

        const content = (
              <p>Work like you don't need the money.</p>
              <p>Dance like no one is watching.</p>
              <p>And love like you've never been hurt.</p>
              <span>― Mark Twain</span>
          PopupboxManager.open({ content })

                <button onClick={this.openPopupbox}>Click me!</button>

export default lightbox

Answer №1

When using NextJS, you can only import a CSS file in the pages/_app.js file. If this file does not already exist, create it and then import the CSS file there. For more information, you can refer to the documentation on Built-In CSS Support

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