Having trouble implementing basic CSS on an Angular Materials component

Check out this Stackblitz example.

I am attempting to add the CSS style color: blue to the element with class mat-button-toggle-label-content, however, it does not seem to be working.

Interestingly, a similar CSS style is successfully being applied to a parent element named mat-button-toggle-group.

Answer №1

To change the color of mat-button-toggle, apply color to it and make sure it stays within the mat-button-toggle-group

Check out this working example on StackBlitz

mat-button-toggle-group {
  background-color: orange;

  mat-button-toggle { 
    color: blue;

If you want to style .mat-button-toggle-label-content, keep in mind that it requires breaking the encapsulation of styles.

Component styles are contained within the component, making them inaccessible from outside. To apply styles externally, you'll need to override them as shown below:

Important: Avoid using /deep/ as it is deprecated. Instead, follow the recommended approach mentioned above. For more information, refer to Component Styles documentation

mat-button-toggle-group {
  background-color: orange;

  /deep/ .mat-button-toggle-label-content {
      color: blue;

Answer №2

There are several factors contributing to this issue!

  1. Incorrect insertion of CSS into the code
  2. The precedence of material design CSS over other CSS

To resolve this, try adding !important after your styling rule for example: color: blue !important;

Answer №3

You can easily make it function by transferring it to styles.scss. For a live demonstration, visit this link: Stackblitz.

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