Error Message Border Exceeds Width Limit and Spans Over Two Lines in Regular Expression

While working on creating a lengthy RegEx error message using server controls, I had the idea to add some style by giving the message a background color and border.

However, when I tried to add a CSS class to the server control with a border and color, the border spanned across two lines like this:

|                                     |
|    ---------------------------      |
|   | My very long error message      |  <-- confined box where error
|    ----------------------------     |      messages and text-box for input
|    ----------------------------     |      resides
|      that ran over two lines  |     |
|   ---------------------------       |
|                                     |
|              ^                      |
|              | The two line error   |
|                 message             |

    ErrorMessage="Silly User. <br\> You made a very, very, very, very, very dumb error"<br />"
    ValidationExpression="regex code to validate" 


Furthermore, even when hidden, the border remains visible (just not the contents).

I attempted placing the control in a div with `run at server`. However, the issue with that is once you hide the div, the regex validation ceases to function. Do you have any suggestions on how to approach this?

Answer №1

Usually, Validators are set to Display="Dynamic". This ensures that they do not occupy space until triggered by a button click. achieves this by adding style="display:none;" to the <span> element containing the error message.

<span id="RequiredFieldValidator1" style="display: none;">RequiredFieldValidator</span>

When the validator is activated, the style changes from display:none to display:inline.

<span id="RequiredFieldValidator1" class="SomeClass" style="display: inline;">RequiredFieldValidator</span>

The issue arises with the inline display causing problems. The desired display should be a normal block. To achieve this, you can override a javascript function usually found in the ScriptResource.axd file. This function is named ValidatorUpdateDisplay, and it contains a line that sets = val.isvalid ? "none" : "inline";
. This specific line needs to be modified.

<script type="text/javascript">
    function ValidatorUpdateDisplay(val) {
        if (typeof (val.display) == "string") {
            if (val.display == "None") {
            if (val.display == "Dynamic") {
       = val.isvalid ? "none" : "block";
        if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") > -1) &&
            (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1)) {
   = "block";
        } = val.isvalid ? "hidden" : "visible";

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