Why does pressing "enter" create a line break in HTML when typing?

Apologies in advance for what may seem like a simple CSS issue that I couldn't find an answer to on Stackoverflow. Here's the JSfiddle link: https://jsfiddle.net/kwende/fqxna79a/

In the code, you'll see two div tags:

<div id="left">Left</div><div id="right"><p>Right</p><p>Right 2</p></div>

The strange thing is that when you press ENTER between the divs in Chrome and Edge, the green and red blocks no longer align horizontally, despite no changes in CSS or markup. It's puzzling why a line break within the text document affects the rendering of the markup.

For reference:


shows no line breaks, while


Update: The question seems to have been answered previously. Check out this informative resource: Here

Answer №1

The issue doesn't lie in the actual newline itself, but rather in any whitespace that is inserted between the two div elements.

By setting them to display as inline-block, they take on characteristics of inline elements, meaning they will sit side by side if there is no space separating them.

However, as soon as white space is introduced between them, the layout system calculates that adding 20% + white space + 80% exceeds 100%, prompting the second div to move to a new line.

This behavior can be confirmed by adjusting the width of the second div to 79% while maintaining the space or newline. In this scenario, the div elements will continue to align next to each other.

Answer №2

An alternative solution to using 79% is setting the font-size of the top element to 0. Here's an example of how that can be done: https://jsfiddle.net/fqxna79a/2/

 font-size: 0;

#left, #right {
 font-size: 16px;

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