Having trouble getting PostCSS nesting to work with CSS variables in Tailwind CSS and Next.js?

I've been attempting to utilize PostCSS nesting alongside CSS variables, but unfortunately the CSS variables are not being converted at all.

Instead, I am seeing Invalid property value in the DOM for CSS Variables.

The tailwind.css file I have includes several CSS variables:


@import 'tailwindcss/base';
@import 'tailwindcss/components';
@import 'tailwindcss/utilities';

@layer base {
  :root {
    --font-mono: 'Fira Mono, monospace';

    --text-1: '12px';
    --text-2: '14px';

    --colors-black: 'rgba(19, 19, 21, 1)';
    --colors-white: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)';
    --colors-gray: 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 1)';
    --colors-blue: 'rgba(3, 136, 252, 1)';
    --colors-red: 'rgba(249, 16, 74, 1)';
    --colors-yellow: 'rgba(255, 221, 0, 1)';
    --colors-pink: 'rgba(232, 141, 163, 1)';
    --colors-turq: 'rgba(0, 245, 196, 1)';
    --colors-orange: 'rgba(255, 135, 31, 1)';

    --space-1: '4px';
    --space-2: '8px';
    --space-3: '16px';

    --radii-1: '2px';
    --radii-2: '4px';

  pre {
    --background: 'hsla(206 12% 89.5% / 5%)';
    --text: var('--colors-white');
    --syntax1: var('--colors-orange');
    --syntax2: var('--colors-turq');
    --syntax3: var('--colors-pink');
    --syntax4: var('--colors-pink');
    --comment: var('--colors-gray');
    --removed: var('--colors-red');
    --added: var('--colors-turq');

    box-sizing: 'border-box';
    padding: var('--space-3');
    overflow: 'auto';
    font-family: var('--font-mono');
    font-size: var('--text-2');
    line-height: var('--space-3');
    whitespace: 'pre';
    background-color: var('--background');
    color: var('--text');

    '& > code': {
      display: 'block';

    '.token.parameter': {
      color: var('--text');

    '.token.tag, .token.class-name, .token.selector, .token.selector .class, .token.function': {
      color: var('--syntax1');

    '.token.attr-value, .token.class, .token.string, .token.number, .token.unit, .token.color': {
      color: var('--syntax2');

    '.token.attr-name, .token.keyword, .token.rule, .token.operator, .token.pseudo-class, .token.important': {
      color: var('--syntax3');

    '.token.punctuation, .token.module, .token.property': {
      color: var('--syntax4');

    '.token.comment': {
      color: var('--comment');

    '.token.atapply .token:not(.rule):not(.important)': {
      color: 'inherit';

    '.language-shell .token:not(.comment)': {
      color: 'inherit';

    '.language-css .token.function': {
      color: 'inherit';

    '.token.deleted:not(.prefix), .token.inserted:not(.prefix)': {
      display: 'block';
      px: '$4';
      mx: '-$4';

    '.token.deleted:not(.prefix)': {
      color: var('--removed');

    '.token.inserted:not(.prefix)': {
      color: var('--added');

    '.token.deleted.prefix, .token.inserted.prefix': {
      userselect: 'none';

My PostCSS Config already includes postcss-preset-env, which is supposed to support CSS nesting. Additionally, I have installed postcss-nested and postcss-css-variables.


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
        autoprefixer: {
          flexbox: 'no-2009',
        stage: 3,
        features: {
          'custom-properties': false,
          'nesting-rules': true,

You can find the reproduction of this issue here → https://github.com/deadcoder0904/postcss-tailwind-next-bug

To see the CSS variables in action, run the app and check the DOM to view the Styles panel which currently displays Invalid property value.

Any ideas on how to make CSS variables work seamlessly with Tailwind CSS?

Answer â„–1

After encountering an issue, I realized the solution was to eliminate quotes and object notation in CSS. Initially, I had copied code from CSS-in-JS without making these necessary adjustments.


@import 'tailwindcss/base';
@import 'tailwindcss/components';
@import 'tailwindcss/utilities';

@layer base {
  :root {
    --font-mono: 'Fira Mono, monospace';

    --text-1: 12px;
    --text-2: 14px;

    --colors-black: rgba(19, 19, 21, 1);
    --colors-white: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
    --colors-gray: rgba(128, 128, 128, 1);
    --colors-blue: rgba(3, 136, 252, 1);
    --colors-red: rgba(249, 16, 74, 1);
    --colors-yellow: rgba(255, 221, 0, 1);
    --colors-pink: rgba(232, 141, 163, 1);
    --colors-turq: rgba(0, 245, 196, 1);
    --colors-orange: rgba(255, 135, 31, 1);

    --space-1: 4px;
    --space-2: 8px;
    --space-3: 16px;

    --radii-1: 2px;
    --radii-2: 4px;

  pre {
    --background: hsla(206 12% 89.5% / 5%);
    --text: var(--colors-white);
    --syntax1: var(--colors-orange);
    --syntax2: var(--colors-turq);
    --syntax3: var(--colors-pink);
    --syntax4: var(--colors-pink);
    --comment: var(--colors-gray);
    --removed: var(--colors-red);
    --added: var(--colors-turq);

    box-sizing: border-box;
    padding: var(--space-3);
    overflow: auto;
    font-family: var(--font-mono);
    font-size: var(--text-2);
    line-height: var(--space-3);
    white-space: pre;
    background-color: var(--background);
    color: var(--text);

    & > code {
      display: block;

    .token.parameter {
      color: var(--text);

    .token.selector .class,
    .token.function {
      color: var(--syntax1);

    .token.color {
      color: var(--syntax2);

    .token.important {
      color: var(--syntax3);

    .token.property {
      color: var(--syntax4);

    .token.comment {
      color: var(--comment);

    .token.atapply .token:not(.rule):not(.important) {
      color: inherit;

    .language-shell .token:not(.comment) {
      color: inherit;

    .language-css .token.function {
      color: inherit;

    .token.inserted:not(.prefix) {
      display: block;
      px: $4;
      mx: -$4;

    .token.deleted:not(.prefix) {
      color: var(--removed);

    .token.inserted:not(.prefix) {
      color: var(--added);

    .token.inserted.prefix {
      userselect: none;

In a separate project, postcss-preset-env failed to function as expected, leading me to resort to using postcss-nested and postcss-css-variables in postcss.config.js.


module.exports = {
    plugins: [

Interestingly, despite sharing the same configuration, postcss-preset-env worked smoothly in another project. After confirming this by attempting various troubleshooting methods, it became evident that the issue lay outside of my project's scope.

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