Displaying Hierarchical Data with AngularJS and ng-repeat

Recently, I've been working on finding an elegant solution to represent hierarchical data in my application. Specifically, I have implemented a slide effect for bootstrap badges that showcase sub-categories using AngularJS.

With some guidance from the community on stackoverflow, I managed to create an example that functions well for parent and child data structures. However, I now require support for a new category type that allows elements to be both parents and children simultaneously - a necessity for browsing a directory structure.

    <li ng-repeat="category in categories"
        ng-init="isChild = category.category_type == 'child'"

      <span class="badge {{ isChild ? 'badge-c' : 'badge-p' }}"
            ng-click="isChild || updateResults(category)"


I am currently grappling with how to modify the code to accommodate the new 'parent and child' category type effectively. The existing implementation heavily relies on the boolean value 'isChild' and the ternary operator, which will not suffice for this additional category.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, please share them!

For reference, here is a PLNKR link demonstrating the sliding feature working for simple parent-child relationships: http://plnkr.co/edit/9CiXW1YAoPj80x6PtBW3


I also put together another PLNKR showcasing the functionality for a three-tier hierarchical relationship. While it works smoothly, it struggles to display 'parent and child' elements with the corresponding badge.... http://plnkr.co/edit/YoRI578GHE91t6torCUt

Answer №1

After some tinkering, I managed to crack this issue:

  1. Adjusted the categories data structure
  2. Implemented an inline angular template in the HTML file
  3. Developed a new CSS class for "parent and child" elements

If you're interested, you can check out the working solution on Plunker

Here's a glimpse of the final outcome: https://i.sstatic.net/ibV8w.jpg

Answer №2

Your current data structure lacks hierarchy. I recommend creating a new structure for your list of categories, where each element in an array includes a "children" property with nested arrays.

$scope.categories = [
  {category_name:"apples", children: [
    {category_name:"bramble", children: [
    {category_name:"granny smiths"},
    {category_name:"pink lady"}
  {category_name:"oranges", children: [

Check out this plunkr example that demonstrates an inefficient way to represent the data (using templates and directives would be more effective for recursive structures).

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