Ways to replace CSS classes created using makeStyles

To clarify, my development environment is using MUI version 4.12.3. Inside file A, I have a simplified code snippet for a functional component, along with the usage of makeStyles to style a JSX element within the return statement (not displayed here). Everything functions correctly in this scenario.

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  content: {
    minHeight: '100vh',

Now, moving on to file B, the objective is to modify the CSS class content based on the value of isDesktop. Is it feasible or recommended to do so? Below is an attempt that didn't yield the expected outcome:

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  content: {
    minHeight: (props) => (props.isDesktop ? '100vh' : '112vh'),

//And within the functional component:
const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(Theme.breakpoints.up('sm'));
const classes = useStyles({ isDesktop });

It's important to note that the primary goal in file B is to alter the CSS class content, without rendering the JSX component. The classes variable remains unused in this context as shown above.

Answer №1

To achieve this functionality, we can utilize a limited number of hooks. Let's assume that the name of our functional component is "MyComponent" and our material component is called "MaterialComponent". The first step is to import the useWindowSize hook, which will allow us to determine the window size and distinguish between desktop and mobile screens. Within the makeStyles function, we create two classes for setting the minimum height for desktop and mobile views. By using a simple if-else statement, we conditionally apply these classes to the className prop of MaterialComponent. Below is the code snippet:

1. Define two classes using makeStyles

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  contentDesktop: {
    minHeight: '100vh',
  contentMobile: {
    minHeight: '110vh',

2. Import the useWindowSize hook

import useWindowSize from "hooks/useWindowSize";

3. Functional component code

const MyComponent = () => {
  const classes = useStyles();
  let myClass = "";
  const width = useWindowSize();
  const isDesktop = width >= 1024;
  const isMobile = width <= 600;
  if (isDesktop) {
    myClass = classes.contentDesktop;
  if (isMobile) {
    myClass = classes.contentMobile;
  return (
    <MaterialComponent className={`${myClass}`} />

Answer №2

If you need to use this function outside of your functional component, you can easily export it.

export const customizeStyles = (isDesktop) => {
  return {
    presentation: {
      minHeight: isDesktop ? "100vh" : "112vh",

Then, simply apply your customized styling wherever needed.

const isDesktop = utilizeMediaQuery(Theme.breakpoints.up('sm'));

  <SomeOtherMuiComponent sx={customizeStyles(isDekstop)} />

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