Efficiently Filtering User Input and Other Things

Imagine I have a setup for organizing a television guide like this:

<div class="day">
    <p>A Date</p>
    <div class="time">
        <p>A Time</p>
        <div class="show">
            <p>A Show</p>
            <div class="info1">
                <p>Info 1</p>
            <div class="info2">
                <p>Info 2</p>
            <div class="info3">
                <p>Info 3</p>
            <div class="info4">
                <p>Info 4</p>

The XML data consists of 2135 shows, 750 time slots, and 146 days. How can I efficiently search for a specific show name? The goal is to display only matching results and hide any containers that do not have visible shows after the search query is applied.

I already have a JavaScript/jQuery function in place for filtering the content based on user input. However, I'm looking for suggestions on how to optimize this process further. If there's a better way to structure the TV guide layout, please share your insights.

Another consideration is when it's advisable to offload some filtering tasks to the server-side. For instance, if handling over 2000 nodes on the client-side causes performance issues, would it be practical to prompt users to select a specific date range for viewing?


search: function(selector, string) {
    string = $.trim(string);
    $(selector).each(function() {
        if ( $(this).children("p").text().search(new RegExp(string, "i")) < 0 ) {
        else {
hideempty: function(selector) {
    $(selector).each(function () {
        if ( $(this).children("div").is(":hidden") ) {
        else {

This code snippet showcases my current filtering approach, but I am open to feedback for improvement as there may be bugs present.

Answer №1

Dealing with over 2000 items in the client's memory can be a challenge, especially if the information fields are not small. However, that may not be your main issue at the moment, as you seem to be creating numerous "show" DIV elements in the DOM, leading to performance issues.

To address this, consider only creating a limited number of initial "show" DIVs and updating their contents dynamically based on search and filter results. You could utilize a templating system or handle it manually. For large result sets, display only a portion of the shows initially and load more as needed, such as by scrolling through the list or pressing a 'Show More Results' button.

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