Having trouble getting my CSS gradient animation to work

I'm experimenting with creating a dynamic CSS gradient background effect. I'm using a tool to generate the CSS for the gradient, which can be found at this page: Here is the CSS code snippet:

body {
background: linear-gradient(270deg, #18f0b8, #18a2f0, #db5640);
background-size: 600% 600%;
-webkit-animation: Gradient 60s ease infinite;
-moz-animation: Gradient 60s ease infinite;
animation: Gradient 60s ease infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes Gradient {
    0%{background-position:0% 50%}
    50%{background-position:100% 50%}
    100%{background-position:0% 50%}
@-moz-keyframes Gradient {
    0%{background-position:0% 50%}
    50%{background-position:100% 50%}
    100%{background-position:0% 50%}
@keyframes Gradient { 
    0%{background-position:0% 50%}
    50%{background-position:100% 50%}
    100%{background-position:0% 50%}

The gradient is displaying correctly, but there seems to be an issue with the animation. I'm not sure what I'm missing. Here is a link to the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9s9g6ktu/

Answer №1

Indeed.... It's imperative to properly close your body css and ensure that your keyframe animations are isolated. Check out this example http://jsfiddle.net/9s9g6ktu/1/

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