Altering the color of a div based on a specified value condition

I am in need of assistance with a div structure similar to this:

<div id="namacoc" tabindex="1" class="filled-text" placeholder="Input your name" contenteditable ></div>
<div id="position" tabindex="1" class="filled-text" placeholder="Input your position" contenteditable></div>    
<button type="button" id="btncontinue" class="btn btn-wide btn-blue">Continue</button>

My issue revolves around validating the div elements. For example: If the namecoc div does not have a value, I want it to change color to red. Once a value is inputted, the color should return to its normal state (black) when the user selects another div or presses a button.

NOTE: I opted for a div instead of an input form because Bootstrap was not changing the text background color on active states. Therefore, I decided to use a div element. Please excuse any language errors as English is not my primary language.

Answer №1

My recommendation is to stick with using input only, as content editable can present compatibility issues across various browsers.

Here's a suggested approach.

$("#btncontinue").click(function() {
  $("input").each(function() {
    $.trim($(this).val()) == "" ?
      $(this).addClass("invalid") : $(this).removeClass("invalid");

$("input").on("blur", function() {
  $.trim($(this).val()) == "" ?
    $(this).addClass("invalid") : $(this).removeClass("invalid");
.invalid {
  border: red 1px solid;
<script src=""></script>
<input id="namacoc" tabindex="1" class="filled-text" placeholder="Input your name" contenteditable></input>
<input id="position" tabindex="1" class="filled-text" placeholder="Input your position" contenteditable></input>
<button type="button" id="btncontinue" class="btn btn-wide btn-blue">Continue</button>

Answer №2".filled-text"), function (node) {
  node.onfocus = function () {
    this.className += " active";

    var text = this.innerHTML;

    if (( === "namacoc"  && text === "Enter your name") ||
        ( === "position" && text === "Enter your position")) {

      this.innerHTML = "";

  node.onblur = function () {
    this.className = this.className.replace(" active", "");

    if (this.innerHTML === "") {
      if ( === "namacoc") {
        this.innerHTML = "Enter your name";
      } else {
        this.innerHTML = "Enter your position";

      this.className = this.className.replace(" normal", "") + " empty";
    } else {
      this.className = this.className.replace(" empty", "") + " normal";
.filled-text {
  width: 200px;
  padding: 8px;
  margin: 24px 0;
  border: 1px solid #000;

.filled-text.placeholder {
  color: #d0d0d0;

.filled-text.empty {
  color: red;
.filled-text.normal {
  color: #000;
<div id="namacoc"  class="filled-text placeholder" contenteditable>Enter your name</div>
<div id="position" class="filled-text placeholder" contenteditable>Enter your position</div>

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