Having difficulty adjusting the width of the CSS menu bar to fit the entire page

I found a useful CSS menu tutorial online that seems to work well, but unfortunately, it doesn't stretch the full width of the page. You can check out the tutorial here:

Even after trying to set the width to 100%, the menu still falls short of extending to the entire width of the page. I also attempted the solution mentioned in this user's post at Here, but it didn't work for me either. Moreover, ensuring compatibility with IE 8 and Firefox is posing additional challenges.

#menu, #menu ul {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style: none;
#menu {
    /* Styles and properties for the menu */

/* More CSS code... */

Any suggestions or assistance regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The extra space is due to the default margin and padding settings for the BODY Tag.

As suggested in the comment,

Include the following CSS:

  body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }

Additionally, remove the margin and set the width to 100% in the specified style #menu

margin: 60px auto;
width: 960px; 

Answer №2

Include the following in your CSS file:


Why is this necessary? When setting dimensions in percentage, containers look to their parent elements for reference when calculating percentages.

For example, if you set the width of #cont in percentage, it will depend on the width of the body. Consider the following markup:

      <div id="cont">

With the CSS rule:


This would mean that
#cont = 80% of body.

Therefore, if the body element has no width specified, the styling of #cont would not work as expected.

Answer №3

The default margin on the body element is causing this issue.
To fix it, simply add body { margin: 0px; } to your CSS file (and also apply #menu { width: 100%; }).

Answer №4

Here is a helpful code snippet:

 Resetting margin and padding:
   Setting element properties:

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