Harnessing the Power of LESS Variables in React JS

Currently, I have a tag with a fixed color value:

<p style={{ color: '#646464' }}>

Instead of hard-coding the color, I want to utilize a LESS variable that I have set up, known as @tertiary-col. However, when I try using this variable like so:

<p style={{ color: '@tertiary-col' }}>
, it doesn't work as expected.

Answer №1

Utilizing the native var() function can achieve this.

When the variable is placed within :root, it becomes accessible wherever needed.

You can set it up like so: --tertiary-col: @tertiary-col;, but for demonstration purposes, a hex value has been provided in the snippet.

:root {
  --tertiary-col: @tertiary-col; /* method to define the variable */
  --tertiary-col: #646464; /* @tertiary-col; */
<p style="color: var(--tertiary-col)">Some text</p>

For those interested in learning more about css variables, check out this informative tutorial: https://codepen.io/abcretrograde/full/xaKVNx/

Answer №2

If you're looking to include variables from CSS-precompilers like LESS in your JSX, unfortunately that's not possible. Your options are to utilize JavaScript variables instead, such as:

const redColor = "#FF0000";

<p style={{ color: redColor }}

Alternatively, you can assign a className and let your CSS take care of the styling.

Another approach could involve incorporating a tool like less-vars-to-js to translate your LESS variables (assuming you're utilizing LESS given your use of @) into JavaScript.

Furthermore, consider leveraging native CSS variables as suggested by other responses. These variables can be accessed within your JavaScript, although it's worth noting that they may not be supported by all browsers at present.

Answer №3

To implement CSS variables natively in React:

Suppose you need to switch between light and dark themes for text elements within a specific container:

const LightDarkText = ({ children }) => (
  <span style={{
    color: 'var(--text-color, black)'

Subsequently, any parent component can define that variable, which will then serve as context for any child element that opts to utilize the specified CSS variable:

// rendered
<div style={{
  backgroundColor: 'black',
  '--text-color': 'white'


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